Sunday, February 05, 2006


In many a times in our day to day life we use the terms interchangeably without paying attention to their actual differences. They are:

Loneliness Vs Aloneness:
Loneliness is a negative state when you are missing somebody, while aloneness is a positive state where you enjoy being with yourself.

Sports Vs Games:
A sport is a physical activity carried out under an agreed set of rules, with a recreational purpose: for competition or self-enjoyment or a combination of these. A game is a recreational activity involving one or more players, defined by a goal that the players try to reach, and some set of rules to play it. Games are played primarily for entertainment or enjoyment. The difference of purpose differentiates sport from game, combined with the notion of individual (or team) skill or prowess.

Job Vs Placement:
Job is something you do to get engagement and earn money in life. Placement is something you aspire to apply your knowledge and skills. Main aim is not to earn money or get engagement. It is more do with satisfaction which you derive by doing that job. That why many say that they got the job but only few says they are placed.

Light Note: What will you call Imran Hashmi? A Serial Kisser


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great thoughts on job v/s placement..Its an absolute truth in context of B-schools

2:27 AM  
Blogger Udayan said...

well you are wrong with Sports Vs Games Definition.

e.g. Chess, Carrom, Bridge, Poker, pool are "games" and not considered as "Sport" But that does not mean that the purpose of the world championship match between two gradmasters is purely for fun and recreation.

In general only thing that differenties the two is indoor-ness and outdoor-ness. (Does not depend on physical activity either) It has nothing to do whether it is purely reccreational. Either can be recreational.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Aditya Kothadiya said...

kaha kho gayee aap??
write lalli write...

12:33 PM  

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